Wednesday, May 4, 2011

31 Days to Clean

Who wants a clean house? That isn't just the catch phrase for the popular TV show, "Clean House". Although, it is a great question to ask, the answer is even better. Why do we want a clean house? What motivates us to clean? My dear Sarah Mae of Like A Warm Cup of Coffee has offered up a challenge for the month of May. You can download her e book for $4.99 on Amazon Kindle or on her website

Homemakers Challenge - 31 Days to Clean

Today we are learning about ways to create a sense of "Put Your Feet Up" as part of the Mary Challenge and the Martha Challenge is to clean the microwave inside and out. I love this challenge. It's not about doing everything in one day and then having no extra time for anything else. I can be all or nothing at times so this challenge comes in handy for me personally.

I, like Sarah Mae, sometimes what to just quit when things don't go quite right or the way I have planned things. Lord, help me to press on and do hard things. She recently wrote about that on her blog and it resonated with my spirit. I have full confidence that if she and I knew each other in "real life" we would be kindred spirits and friends for life. I can relate to her on so many levels. She is a breath of fresh air and if you haven't read her blog, you are severely missing out. So, what are you waiting for?

For good clean fun go and check out her website. :)

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