I sure do have a lot to share but today I just want to share my list of thanks. It's what makes Monday lovely.
429. Seeing Janet again after 5 years
430. Lobster rolls with my parents
431. Pizza & All-Star game with my parents
432. Children Classic's at Target for $1.00 each (Can I get an Amen for good deals?)
433. Sharing a moment with Jordan on his 5th birthday-telling him that God is going to use him and do great things in his life
434. A visit with my Aunt Linda & Uncle Ed from Massachusettes
435. Bryan's new job, raise and promotion with a new company
436. Swimming with Brandon
437. Watching Jordan swim wihtout floaties
438. Grandmother Earle-thankful that she is going to be ok
439. Homemade strawberry jam (Redemption after last year) :)
440. Ice cream cones with chocolate sprinkles
441. The baby bird nest & the two baby birds
442. The smell of sunscreen
443. Summertime in Maine
444. New beginnings
445. Fresh cut flowers on my kitchen table
446. Our new & powerful A/C
447. The sale of our Camry
448. Car insurance savings
It's nice to celebrate "Thanksgiving" everyday. It's even nicer to share it with you on Monday. Join in! I promise, you will be SO glad you did.
Joining you from Multitudes on Mondays. I enjoyed reading your gratitude list. Especially 432 and 433. Thanks for sharing.