I wanted to share a portion of the book that spoke volumes to me yesterday. It can be found on page 133-34 that states, and I quote, "You have a new heart. That's the promise of the new covenant: "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws." (Ezek. 36:26-27). There's a reason it's called good news. Too many Christians today are living back in the old covenant. They've had Jeremiah 17:9 drilled into them and they walk around believing my heart is deceitfully wicked. Not anymore it's not. Read the rest of the book. In Jeremiah 31:33, God announces the cure for all that: "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people." Your heart is good." End quote.
I just felt prompted in my spirit to share that before I start my Monday list. For so long I've walked around like that, believing that my heart is sick and desperately wicked. I even considered in the past, taking down the art in my kitchen that says, "Follow Your Heart". I can follow my heart, because that is where God dwells and it is good. I follow my heart only as I follow Christ. Does that make sense? I am so thankful for redemption. Be sure to check back here on Wednesday for my post about redemption. You won't want to miss what I'm learning about that. It makes me so happy to type the word 'redemption'. I love knowing knowing that I've been bought back.
Ok, so enough about that. Once again I find myself having so very much to be thankful for. It's fun to share it. It's not something that should be kept inside. I want to tell of all the LORD has done for me. He is so good and He cannot lie. I love that about Him.
492. Heart Training
493. Nail pierced hands
494. The steadfast love of the Lord that never ceases
495. Mercies that never come to an end
496. The faithfulness of God
497. To show the world the likeness of Jesus
498. To guide my affections with discretion
499. To owe no many anything
500. Vacation Bible School
501. Jordan's blue blankie
502. Wild At Heart
503. Sailboats at the Marina
504. High temperatures outside
505. Pink Gerber Daisies
506. Bryan taking Brandon to play basketball
507. Bryan & Brandon going to the movies together
508. My new pink water bottle
509. The sound of the keys on the laptop
510. First things first
511. New recipes
512. Letting things go
513. A good heart
And there you have it for this week. I am over half way to my one thousand gifts; but at this rate, I don't ever want to stop. This is so much part of my life and I can't imagine not listing what I'm thankful for; both the beautiful and the not so much. :)
I can so hear the joy in your heart, love it!
ReplyDeleteSo thankful for the new heart I received 37 years ago! :)
It is fun to share isn't it? So glad you did
It's hard to believe I gave my heart to the LORD when I was 8 and I'll be 33 on Saturday! It's amazing how He is working in the everyday ordinary life of mine. :)
ReplyDeleteClicked over from Ann's.
Wild at Heart? Yes! Good, good stuff.
YAY! I'm glad someone else agrees with me! Such a great book! :)
ReplyDeleteOkay, now I have to add it to the list of reading you always intrigue me with! :) I am love love loving the book you sent for me. It is just what I needed. <3