Toward the end of the book I learned what the name Emma means. It means 'whole'. I literally burst into tears in an instant. I needed to know that. My name means Sweet, Grace, Whole. Lord, let it be true.
So what is the title of the book?
Ann Voskamp was quoted on the back saying, "Emily Freeman is one of those rare writers: profoundly biblical, lyrical, transparent-memorable. Her emancipating words on these pages offer the needed keys to all the good girls longing to take wing-and soar home to God's heart."
Grace for the Good Girl (letting go of the try-hard life) by Emily P. Freeman.
Two books this year have caused me to stop and listen. To be still. To encourage me. To show me His amazing grace is for real, for me. My deepest heart felt thanks to Ann and friends I've never met.
679. Our 13th Wedding Anniversary
680. Fall Foliage
681. A nice unexpected email from a dear friend
682. 80 degree weather in October, in MAINE
683. A day alone with my husband
684. Watching football with lifelong friends
685. Homeade salted caramel cupcakes
686. Pumpkin spice frapuccino
687. Panera
688. Lunch with my brother and his fiance
689. Watching a VHS tape of my husband singing in 1997 & 1998
690. Having my mom sleepover when my Dad was out of town
691. Beginning to trust
692. Playing Apples to Apples Disney version with Bry and the boys
693. Love & Respect Marriage Conference
694. Realizing how precious time is
695. Priorities- you make time for what you love (Thanks, Pastor Jeff)
696. Patience
697. After 12 years, new living room furniture! YAY! (Thanks, honey)
Lord, thank you for your grace. Thank you for your love. Thank you for making me whole.
Bind my wandering heart to Thee.
I love your list today, Melissa! It makes me long for cooler weather and fall temps (it was 90 degrees here in Texas today). Don't you love when you pick up a book, and it feels as though it was written JUST FOR YOU!!! Love it!!! May you find what He has for you as you work through the questions as well. Blessings...