Enter Dianne Craft. www.diannecraft.org
She is a remarakable teacher and her research on Brain Integration Therapy is revoluntionary and is going to change our homeschooling for the better. The information is just what I need to hear. It's ok that my son is behind in math; it doesn't mean that he isn't smart. She shared that these are bright children with a glitch and one of their "gates" is blocked (auditory,visual,writing). It has given me so much hope. I thank the Lord for this word in due season. My precious child. I will do whatever it takes to help him feel successful in his efforts. I have never been more excited to homeschool and to take the time that is needed to invest in him. He's a joy to me. We were working this morning on the Writing Eight exercise and he said to me, "Mom, you are so calm." Thank you Lord. Help me to be calm everyday. Help me to give him the time he deserves. All other things can wait. Such revelation! Amen!
So it's Monday again. I love Monday's. Being grateful and thankful is where it's at y'all. If you haven't started your list of 1000 gifts, what are you waiting for? Join me. You will be so glad you did.
144. Brain Integration Therapy & The Biology of Behavior
145. Dianne Craft
146. Homeschool Convention
147. New Ideas
148. Giving Beth her own copy of OTG
149. Letting go of hurts
150. Releasing people that have hurt me & my family
151. Communion service at church
152. Texting Sharon all weekend in Shakesperian
153. Words with Friends App (how have I lived without this? lol)
154. Going to the park with Brandon
155. Playing baseball with Brandon
156. Encouraging him while working on school work
157.20 days of school left
158. Having a playdate with a friend and her kids tomorrow (YAY)!
159. Proverbs 25:28
160. A day with just Brandon
161. Fingerpainting
162. Letting go even more
163. New Cirriculum for September
164. Abundant life that is found in Him
165. Creativity
Lord, you are SO good. I just love You.
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