That means its been 3 years since I turned 30. Whhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttt?
Time is flying!
I wanted to share a couple of interesting facts about the number 33:
*The Atomic number of Arsenic
*A normal spine has 33 vertebrae
*Jesus's age when He was crucified
*Jesus performed 33 recorded miracles
*33 is not only a numerical representation for "The Star of David" but also the numerical equivalent of AMEN: 1+13+5+14=33
*Retired number of Celtics Hall of Famer Larry Bird
Enough of that; back to my birthday celebration. We went to breakfast at IHOP and then went to the pool and I worked on my tan. I am so tan this summer y'all! :) Later that night we dropped the boys off at my parents house for the night (can I get an Amen for Grandparents?!)
Last year we started a tradition of going out with our besties Heather (in orange) & Brandon and Andrew & Whitney (in pink) (side note: Andrew is Bryan's cousin who married my good childhood friend Whitney). So last year we went to Federal Jack's in Kennebunkport:
This year we went to Salt Water Grille in South Portland.
It was a glorious summer night. Beautiful sunset.
It was good to feel the summer wind.
It's Monday once again and this week I'm thankful for so many things and I wanted to share them with you:
535. My birthday
536. Birthday dinner with friends
537. Sunset
538. Fresh cut flowers
539. Sweet birthday cards and messages
540. My parents for taking the boys overnight
541. Birthday money
542. VBS worksheets on the fridge
543. One week until Vermont Vacation
544. Lobsters & Steamers for lunch
545. Date night
546. Only getting 5 hours of sleep before church but oh so worth it
547. More new books
Psalm 139:17 ESV "How precious to me are your thoughts O God! How vast is the sum of them."